Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • SEO is the web/ internets ability to find you when you are searched – by name, category, by city, etc.  SEO are the technical ‘tricks’ that make you stand out from the crowd. This is art, science and sometimes a good guess as to how Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines work to find your website and information.
  •  Technical terms such as Metadata, backlinks, organic are all part of SEO UniGroup Marketing assists you with.
  • There is a need to constantly create and update the content on your page to keep it fresh and to show the search engines you are an active website

Search Engine Marketing(SEM)

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is how you present yourself to your clients and potential clients. You have to first establish, verify and claim your identity online.
  • SEO is part of SEM. Other SEM tools are Pay per Click (PPC) and online advertising. SEM involves more paid advertising like Google Adwords, Bing Ads or other targeted online advertising.
  • There are many proven techniques for both SEO and SEM and UniGroup marketing can help with all your online marketing needs